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The relationship between the home and the school

The relationship between the home and the school The relationship between the home and the school relationship is not sep...

The relationship between the home and the school

The relationship between the home and the school relationship is not separated from each other. Any
 Defect in one of them may affect the level of the child's education. The link within the home affects the family at the child's degree in the school. - If the family lives in constant problems, this is reflected on the behaviour of the child and be more aggressive in dealing with friends .. And the low level of study .. If the family lives in a state of stability be positive on the life of the child... The family is the focus of the first impact on the behaviour Child... The problems leading to the break-up of the family are economic problems where the income of the family is low with significant issues in terms of spending on clothing and food... Of the significant issues also the existence of relationships outside the marital home cause substantial problems and lead to the break-up of the family as well as addiction to Alcohol. The constant differences between men and women within the same family affect the child who views these behaviours. His personality is reflected within the school. Many parents have an understanding of understanding these things, but recognition alone is not enough. There must be a clear plan for raising the child and adolescent. This atmosphere that if you continue to. Influence him throughout his life, there must be continuous. Communication between the family and the school on the other hand .and try to communicate with the appropriate solutions before the .expiration of time... There must be a deliberate plan used by parents in the treatment of adverse effects .. This plan depends on communication Direct with the child and sit with him and Access to trust between .parents and children to listen to his problems in order to find a suitable way to deal with him, there is direct contact between the family and the school in order to be a comprehensive plan to build a rich generation ah able to make a new stable life of this observation that the role of the family is inseparable from the role So if you want to build a healthy generation you have to create a stable family. Anyone who goes through these problems has to stop for a short time and check his accounts before it is too late because when time passes and issues are not solved, it becomes difficult to control

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